Our mission: to provide customers with high-quality products at reasonable prices to meet customer needs.

We know that the quality and safety of our products are very important to the enterprise, so we have implemented a “prevention-oriented” quality supervision method internally, and we will ensure the whole process from the initial assessment of customer project input to the final deliverable product quality assurance. Control to achieve high standards of quality control and assurance.

We cooperate with the largest product testing laboratory in Ningbo, and our colleagues can meet the quality requirements of many countries, which fully demonstrates that Oshitong Lighting provides customers with the best products with high quality assurance.

Through 10 years of operation and production and operation accumulation, Oushitong has been continuously investing in product research and development to realize the construction of semi-automatic and fully automatic product production lines to improve product production efficiency and market competition.

2022 Ningbo International Lighting Exhibition2022 Ningbo International Lighting Exhibition2022 Ningbo International Lighting Exhibition2022 Ningbo International Lighting Exhibition2022 Ningbo International Lighting Exhibition

Post time: Jul-29-2022